Gift Of Giving
2 Corinthians 9:7 reads…”Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Here, the Apostle Paul sums up giving under the New Covenant – a willing, cheerful, generous spirit! When we give through the local church, we are investing in the Lord’s work. It’s not something God wants from us, but for us. It’s about our inner attitude and desire to personally invest in the Lord’s work through His local church as we make disciples and advance the gospel for His great glory!

Online Giving makes offering quick and easy for those who choose to continue giving when they cannot in person. You will have the option to complete the form and submit without a login with “Give Now” at the top of the form, or select “Sign In” and you can set up a login by choosing an email and password to use each time you give online. For each “required” box on the form, you must fill it in or you will not be able to submit your offering. There will be a dropdown selection for the funds so you must choose whether you want your offering to be towards the General Contribution, Annie Armstrong Fund or Lottie Moon Fund. *Please note: any special donations or reimbursements (i.e., youth ski trip, etc.) must be done via the Church Office or dropping it in the offering plate, and cannot be done through online giving. If you have any questions, please contact Vicki at the Church Office @ 912-772-3590 or email
Giving Form Available! Click Here NOW!